![]() 10/13/2017 at 21:15 • Filed to: Old man yells at clouds, Forza Sucks | ![]() | ![]() |
Way to ruin racing games, guys! Forza 7 is the most un-fun, unrewarding, boring slog of a racing game I have ever played.
And whomever was the genius who thought that using a fucking first-generation Bronco for your insipid cone-gate-challenge needs to be smacked.
I am so close to shredding my disc, deleting the game and forgetting it was ever released. You fucked up the VIP and still haven’t fixed that. The game barely works, crashes all the time, and the stupid avatars elicit zero emotion from me. Also loot crates are just gambling and should be illegal in games rated below Adult Only.
Why does gaming have to be so fucking difficult for anyone to care about it? Are people’s lives that empty that need games to be hostile in order to have a sense of worth? What happened to fun for the sake of enjoyment?
I should just go back to Fourtza. That was at least fun to play.
Yes, I know I’m old. Fuck off.
![]() 10/13/2017 at 21:24 |
Loot crates are a cancer on gaming. I’ll stick with 6 for the time being.
![]() 10/13/2017 at 21:25 |
I wish I had as well.
![]() 10/13/2017 at 21:26 |
I do wonder if people would of made such a fuss about the loot crates if they were still called wheelspins.
![]() 10/13/2017 at 21:27 |
This game was really the only reason I was considering moving on from my old freebie 360, but it given this review (and others like it) I don’t see any reason to do so.
If you need me I’ll be in front of a CRT with my Commodore 64 emulator, 2600 and Dreamcast, actually having fun...
![]() 10/13/2017 at 21:30 |
Uh, they will fix the VIP however: http://www.pcgamer.com/forza-motorsport-7-vip-package-changed-in-response-to-player-complaints/
![]() 10/13/2017 at 21:32 |
Probably not, especially considering that wheel spins could not be purchased with real money in 6. They were simply a bonus-though mostly bogus as the prizes sucked. Don’t insult me with 2k credits. Give me actual bonuses or just give me nothing. In 6 I finished all the production car based series, they give you a spin for doing so. I could have won the most recent Audi Le Mans P1 car. I got 2k credits instead. Fuck you too, Turn10.
I get that games are expensive. I am okay with cosmetic purchases, but I only if they are guaranteed. This buying a chance to win something is bullshit and needs to stop.
![]() 10/13/2017 at 21:36 |
I know.......
I was part of the reason for that. Refunded my digital UE purchase and filed a complaint with the FTC. Bought the UE on disc at Costco for well below retail. Still waiting on them to patch my permanent 2X credit bonus. They’ve had a couple weeks now. No word on when that is going to happen.
![]() 10/13/2017 at 21:38 |
Forza Horizon 3 is honestly a great time. 6 isn’t terrible either. It wasn’t as good as 4, but it was still enjoyable.
![]() 10/13/2017 at 21:49 |
Yeah, the latest update from them is still “as soon as possible”. T10 screw up but at least they (kinda) recognized.
Also, some of those issues like the dreadful loot boxes apparently are due to Xbox, not T10, since they are now also present on Gears of Wars.
I haven’t played 7 yet (sold my Xbox last week, planning to get the One X), so hopefully they will have fixed some more issues as time passes. If not, I’m honestly more interested in what Playground Studios is developing for next year than the Motorsport series anyway
![]() 10/13/2017 at 21:51 |
Loot boxes are cancer. Fuck every developer that includes them over guaranteed purchases.
![]() 10/13/2017 at 22:05 |
Sure is pretty though...
![]() 10/13/2017 at 22:21 |
What’s even worse than loot crates, IMO, is limited availability items through loot crates. Like “Oh, you better buy an assload of crates right now or else you’ll never get XXXX ever again!!!!!!” I love overwatch as a game but I can’t stand the skin system anymore. THeir loot is shit, nobody cares about anything besides the skins anyways but you are damn sure to get everything BUT skins when you open boxes. The freebies are nice but the limited time stuff really pressures and badgers you into it. Which is okay......I guess.....But I paid 60$ for the game, stop asking me for more money like that.
You know what I’d love to do? shell out 20$ and get all the “holiday skins/emotes/etc” all at once as something like a “Halloween expansion”. Will I get to do it? No. So they get no money from me since what they WANT is me to pay them 20$ or more and get nothing at all.
Anyways, I don’t have an Xbox but I understand the pain. I struggle with new video game hype these days because of all the BS.
![]() 10/13/2017 at 22:36 |
It really is disappointing because the cars feel great. I just wish they recycled the drivetars from 6. It’s like they don’t see you at all
![]() 10/13/2017 at 22:44 |
I have been pitted so many times already, and the game has been out for less than a month. I don’t think the AI was remotely as crap in 6. There it was rare to get spun. Now it is expected. Not good.
![]() 10/13/2017 at 23:05 |
It wasn’t as bad in 4, 5, 6 or H3. I’ve had cleaner laps in mario kart. Hopefully it will be a decent game by the holidays. It’s never good when your serious fans consider switching consoles.